better outside

3:50 AM

I love doing sports. gym, yoga, running, swimming, and sometimes dance. but there is something I am particularly guilty of, I spend days indoors only leaving to run errands, but never taking time to actually be outside and experience nature. I brush off the benefits of being outside by telling myself I’m healthy in other ways. Based on,  Walking in nature improves measures of revitalization, self-esteem, energy and pleasure, and decreases frustration, worry, confusion, depression, tension and tiredness far more than light activity indoors does, according to the latest evidence. Running outdoors, however, does not seem to have a greater impact on emotions or mood than running inside, maybe because running and more intense activities cause the release of endorphins that can cause feelings of elation and exhilaration, regardless of where you run. i know sometimes it is hard to find the right time and places for doing outdoors activity. but for me, living in a good places such as bandung giving me more benefits. a lot of park and good places to be visited for doing sport or only for walking and get closer to nature.

Sport already becomes a trends and its work out together with fashion. you can see a lot of designer releases their sports collection. i love alexander wang, DKNY and of course sports brand it self such as nike and adidas. sportswear for me is about comfort. plain t-shirt, jogger pants and running shoes are the best partner for doing outdoors and sports activity. you also could find your own sportswear at , for basic teesneakers or jogger pants.

Topman Tshirt, HnM Pants, Nike running shoes

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  1. guay the outfit, i,m sorry but my english is very bad

  2. guay the outfit, i,m sorry but my english is very bad

  3. Looking great.


  4. Great post!Nice photos!

  5. cute cute dik :0
    follow youuu!

